Kids ages 6 – 12

This is the time of growth and development, both physically and cognitively; during the ages of 6 to 12, kids develop various personality and cognitive traits. Our workshops are meticulously designed in close collaboration with child psychologist to foster the six major traits commonly observed during this period through artistic expression. The six major traits are Self Confidence, Social Skills, Cognitive Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Independence and Responsibility, and Curiosity and Explorations.

Workshops are tailored to this specific age group and designed to align with the developmental abilities, interests, and attention spans of children within this age range. The content, activities, and instructions are tailored to suit their cognitive, emotional, and physical capabilities. This ensures that children can actively engage, understand, and benefit from the workshop experience.

Each workshop consists of its own activities, so that your child has something new to anticipate, enjoy and learn.

Here are six examples:

  1. 💌 Crafting Confidence Cards

  2. 🌈 Threading Social Skills Bracelets

  3. 🎨 Painting Cognitive Abstracts

  4. 🧠 Sculpting EQ Creations

  5. 🌟Collaging Independence & Responsibility Fabrics

  6. ✏️ Creating Curiosity Drawings

💌 Crafting Confidence Cards

Creating Artful Affirmation Cards; learning pattern making and simple illustration.

  • Children are provided with blank index cards or small pieces of sturdy paper, markers, coloured pencils, and art supplies like stickers, glitter, and washi tape.

  • They create affirmation art cards for themselves or for others.

  • They are encouraged to write positive affirmations, empowering messages, or compliments on each card. They will learn about patterns and also incorporate colorful illustrations, patterns, and decorative elements to make the cards.

  • The importance of genuine and uplifting affirmations that inspire confidence and self-belief is shared and discussed with the children.

  • Once the cards are complete, children can exchange and share them with one another, spreading positivity and boosting each other's self-esteem.

This activity encourages children to express and internalize positive affirmations, reinforcing their self-confidence and promoting a supportive environment within the workshop. The creation of affirmation art cards allows children to engage in a meaningful and personal art-making process while actively uplifting others, fostering a sense of connection and empathy among participants.

Explore further on our blog: Unleashing Superpowers: Nurturing Self-Confidence in Kids.

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🌈 Threading Social Skills Bracelets

Making Bonded Threads: friendship bracelet exchange for social stars; learning different bracelet-making techniques and knotting patterns while learning the basics of colour theory with colourful threads.

  • Children are provided a variety of colorful threads, beads, charms, and scissors.

  • They are encouraged to have conversations with each other and think about the unique qualities and interests of their peers while designing the bracelets. They will incorporate specific colors, patterns, or charms that reflect each recipient's personality or friendship.

  • They are guided in learning different bracelet-making techniques and knotting patterns.

  • Once the bracelets are completed, a bracelet exchange activity is facilitated. Each child will give their handmade bracelet to another participant as a symbol of friendship and express kind words or affirmations when presenting their bracelets to their peers.

This activity promotes social skills by encouraging empathy, understanding, and thoughtful gestures. By creating friendship bracelets for each other, children learn to consider the interests and preferences of their peers, fostering a sense of connection and appreciation. The bracelet exchange activity provides an opportunity for positive interaction, gratitude, and the development of meaningful relationships within the workshop setting.

Explore further on our blog: Social Skills Safari: Navigating Kids Connections

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🎨 Painting Cognitive Abstracts

Exploring the world of Abstract Art: painting dreams and emotions; learning about colours, symbols and painting techniques such as splattering, dripping, blending, and using unconventional tools to create textures and patterns.

  • Children are engaged in a discussion about the power of colours and the emotions they can evoke.

  • They are introduced to simple themes and concepts such as "dreams" or "nature", and encouraged to think how colour, shapes, and brushstrokes can convey their chosen theme or concept.

  • They are shown examples of abstract artworks that utilise vibrant colours, explaining the expressive and subjective nature of abstract art.

  • They are provided with a variety of art supplies, including paints, brushes, palette knives, sponges, and canvas or sturdy paper.

  • Different abstract art techniques, such as splattering, dripping, blending, or using unconventional tools to create textures and patterns are demonstrated.

  • Children are then encouraged to experiment with these techniques, allowing them to freely express their emotions, ideas, and imagination on their chosen canvas or paper.

  • At the end of the workshop, they gather together to create a mini art gallery where they can display and appreciate each other's artwork, discuss their pieces, sharing the thoughts, emotions, or stories behind their abstract creations.

    The workshop enhances cognitive skills through critical thinking and problem-solving, visual perception and observation, creativity and imagination, emotional expression and regulation, and attention and concentration. Children develop their ability to make creative decisions, analyze visual elements, think innovatively, express emotions, and sustain focus during the artistic process. This workshop provides a platform for cognitive skill enhancement through engaging in abstract art and exploring color, expression, and personal artistic style.

    Explore further on our blog: Mind Marvels: Nurturing Cognitive Skills in Kids

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🧠 Sculpting EQ Creations

Making Emotion Sculptors: expressing and regulating emotions through clay creations; learning clay sculpting techniques to develop self-awareness, empathy, and emotional regulation skills.

  • Children are engaged in a discussion about emotions, emphasising the importance of understanding and expressing them through interactive activities, such as role-playing and storytelling, and encourage open dialogue.

  • They are Introduced to the art of clay sculpting as a means of creative expression and emotional exploration.

  • They learn various clay sculpting techniques, such as molding, shaping, and texturing and handling clay, learning the importance of patience and attention to detail.

  • Children are encouraged to choose an emotion they wish to portray through their clay sculpture.

  • They will share their outcome to the group to express the emotion they aimed to portray and explain the creative choices they made.

    The "Emotion Sculptors" workshop nurtures emotional intelligence in children by promoting self-awareness, emotional expression, empathy development, emotional regulation, and reflective communication. Through clay sculpting, children explore and identify their own emotions, visually express their feelings, gain insight into the emotions of others, learn to manage their emotions, and develop effective communication skills. By engaging in this workshop, children enhance their overall emotional intelligence, empowering them to understand and navigate their own emotions and empathize with others.

    Explore further on our blog: Heart Heroes: Fostering Emotional Intelligence in Kids

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🌟 Collaging Independence & Responsibility Fabrics

Creating Textile Tales: cultivating independence and responsibility through upcylcing fabric art; learning fabric collage and various techniques such as layering, overlapping, and fabric manipulation.

  • Each participant is provided with a canvas or a sturdy fabric base as their artistic foundation. They will have access to a wide range of fabric materials, including colorful scraps, patterned fabrics, textured pieces, and embellishments such as buttons, ribbons, or beads.

  • The children are encouraged to experiment with different fabric combinations, textures, and colours learning how to cut, arrange, and adhere fabric pieces to their chosen canvas, exploring various techniques such as layering, overlapping, and fabric manipulation.

  • They will have the opportunity to make independent artistic decisions, expressing their unique ideas and storytelling through the selection and arrangement of fabrics creating vibrant landscapes, abstract designs, animal portraits, or any other imaginative composition that reflects their individual interests and creativity.

  • By the end of the workshop, each participant will have completed their fabric collage artwork, which they can proudly exhibit during the mini-exhibition.

    This hands-on experience with fabric collage will not only develop their artistic skills but also foster their independence and decision-making abilities. It cultivates independence and responsibility by giving participants the freedom to make independent artistic decisions, express their unique ideas, and take ownership of their creative choices. They develop problem-solving skills as they overcome challenges in the collage process, promoting adaptability and perseverance. Handling fabric materials responsibly and managing their time effectively instills a sense of responsibility for proper resource use.

    Explore further on our blog: Wings of Freedom: Fostering Independence and Responsibility in Kids

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✏️ Creating Curiosity Drawings

Art Dice Adventures: igniting curiosity and sense of exploration through a unique art practice using dice throwing; learning different art techniques such as color mixing, line drawing, pattern creation and texture exploration. This workshop offers a playful and engaging environment where children can embrace chance and discover new artistic possibilities.

  • The workshop starts with an introduction to the concept of embracing chance and curiosity in art, demonstrating how dice throwing can be used as a creative tool by showcasing examples of artwork created through chance-based techniques.

  • Multiple art stations, each equipped with a set of dice and various art materials are set up with different art techniques and prompts for each station, such as colour mixing, line drawing, pattern creation, and texture exploration.

  • Participants take turns rolling the dice and following the corresponding instructions at each station. The dice will determine elements of their artwork, fostering a sense of exploration and curiosity.

  • Children are encourage to embrace the unexpected outcomes and explore different combinations and interpretations based on the dice results.

  • At the end of the workshop, a group sharing and reflection takes place where participants gather together to share their artwork and discuss how chance influenced their creative decisions and the discoveries they made during the workshop.

    The "Art Dice Adventures" workshop provides an engaging and exploratory space for middle childhood children to embrace chance and curiosity in their artistic practice. Through the playful act of dice throwing, participants will unleash their creativity, experiment with different techniques, and discover the joy of unexpected artistic outcomes.

    Explore further on our blog: Curiosity Unleashed: Fostering Exploration in Kids

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Private Workshops


Teens (13 to 17)